Hat H&M/Fake Collar Front Row Shop/Dress Weekday/Belt Vintage/Coat Cheap Monday/Jeans Replay/Shoes Cheap Monday/Bag DKNY
Hej alla fina, jag vill redan nu informera er om att inom snar framtid kommer min blogg på Carolines World tas bort. Jättetråkigt jag vet.. (Denna kommer ligga kvar men inte uppdateras). Vart jag hamnar härnäst är fortfarande lite hemligt men har stora planer and i bet you're gonna like it! ;-)
Hi cuties! I want to inform you that my blog at Carolines World no longer going to exist, I have just two weeks left then my blog is going to be deleted. Really sad, I know.. (This blog will be left but don't updated at all). But I have big plans and a lot of secrets that I will share with you in a near future, can't wait to tell!
Hi cuties! I want to inform you that my blog at Carolines World no longer going to exist, I have just two weeks left then my blog is going to be deleted. Really sad, I know.. (This blog will be left but don't updated at all). But I have big plans and a lot of secrets that I will share with you in a near future, can't wait to tell!